Monday, April 5

taking a short break

I'm a little stressed out right now, and I'm desperately trying to hold on to that gossamer shred of sanity that's keeping me from going over the edge.  All I really do is sit back and wallow in hummus - um, I meant snuggle on my couch.

My 23 year old brother is getting married this weekend, and I have 5 days now to finish his wedding cake.  5 days can seem like a lot of time, but when you are interrupted by that pesky little thing called work then 5 days is really not that long.  It's really just a couple of hours each night to bake the cakes (two flavors), make the fillings (vanilla custard and raspberry mousse), cut, stack, and mask each tier (all three of them) and then figure out a way to get them packed into a cooler and ready to fly across the country with me to Monterey.

Yeah, breathe ....

So today for dinner, something simple: homemade hummus with baked tortilla chips.  Not bad, eh?  Almost good enough to forget I have a busy busy week ahead of me.

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